Stem Cell Scientist
Health is more than just the absence of disease. It’s the attainment of our highest health potential. As a stem cell scientist and medicinal plant researcher, I draw from nature’s pharmacopeia whilst leveraging stem cell science to unlock new applications on these age-old therapeutics.
— Bio —
Christian Drapeau is a scientist, author, medicinal plant expert, and pioneer in the field of stem cell
research. He holds a graduate degree in Neurophysiology and has been involved in medical
research for 30+ years, the last 20 specifically dedicated to stem cells. He pioneered the
understanding that stem cells constitute the body’s natural healing and repair system and has
traveled the world in search of the most powerful plants that support stem cell function and enhance
the body’s regenerative potential. Having written 5 books, including the best-selling "Cracking the
Stem Cell Code,” as well as dozens of published scientific papers on brain research and the
biological process he coined “Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilization” and having lectured in 50+
countries, Drapeau is known by scientists, physicians, and biohackers alike as an expert and
pioneer of his field. A scientific advisor to many companies, he is currently the Founder and Chief
Science Officer at STEMREGEN where he developed the most potent natural stem cell supplement.